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  • Writer's pictureR and D

One Second Every Day

Hi All,

This post is our last one documenting our time travelling across Asia. We can safely say it has been the experience of a lifetime and we look back upon every second with a smile (even those that at the time we never thought would be funny). From seeing the Taj Mahal in India to waking with orangutans in Borneo, we have made so many wonderful memories. Ross spent every day filming a short video to create this 13 minute long snapshot of our adventures. Take a look at our ‘One Second Every Day’...

Next holiday destination... Italy, Morocco, South America? We don’t know where yet but we know that wherever it is, we will book somewhere with a flushing toilet and working shower (things will never again take for granted!) Thank you all for following us on our amazing journey.

Lots of love, Ross and Danielle xxx


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1 Comment

Aug 04, 2019

I’ve watched this a few times now, but every time I still can’t believe how much you packed in...what incredible memories you’ve created & shared together!!

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